How to change user account
Let's take a look to how to change user password without any access through Windows ISO. Boot on Windows 10 ISO On the language screen, chose your language and hit SHIFT+F10
Get Logical Volume inforations
When the cmd terminal is oppened, list Diske Caption and Volume Name :
wmic logicaldisk get caption, VolumeName
Move to the Disk you want (letter found with the previous command)
Go to the system32 folder
cd windows\system32
Use utilman despite off cmd.exe
ren utilman.exe utilman.exe.bak
ren cmd.exe utilman.exe
wpeutil reboot
Change user password
After rebooting, clic on accessibility icon
Change password
Change the user password
Example :
net user admin root
net user $USER pass
Active user
Active user
net user $USER /active:yes
wpeutil reboot
Replace utilman despite off cmd.exe
ren utilman.exe cmd.exe
ren utilman.exe.bak utilman.exe