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How do job command works ?

Mean Command
Which files shall be backed up? show filesets (I=Included, E=Excluded)
What’s the server doing? status dir
What’s the status of a certain job? status jobid=xx
What’s the client doing? status client
What’s the streamer doing? status storage
Anything new? messages
Means Command
Last jobs list jobs
Specifique Job list jobid=xx
Statistics about last jobs list jobtotal
Which files were backed up? list files jobid=xx

Level list

  • Base
  • Catalog
  • Data
  • Differential
  • DiskToCatalog
  • Full
  • Incremental
  • InitCatalog
  • Since
  • VirtualFull
  • VolumeToCatalog

Status table view

Status means
T Terminated normally
C Created but not yet running
R Running
B Blocked
E Terminated in Error
e Non-fatal error
f Fatal error
D Verify Differences
A Canceled by the user
F Waiting on the File daemon
S Waiting on the Storage daemon
m Waiting for a new Volume to be mounted
M Waiting for a Mount
s Waiting for Storage resource
j Waiting for Job resource
c Waiting for Client resource
d Wating for Maximum jobs
t Waiting for Start Time
p Waiting for higher priority job to finish
W Terminated with warnings