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Tabs and Windows

Shortcut Description
[⌘ Command] + [T] New Tab
[⌘ Command] + [⟶ Right] Next Tab
[⌘ Command] + [⟵ Left] Previous Tab
[⌘ Command] + [W] Close Window or Tab
[⇧ Shift] + [⌘ Command] + [⟶ Right] Move Tab right
[⇧ Shift] + [⌘ Command] + [⟵ Left] Move Tab left
[⌘ Command] + [1], [2], ... Go to Tab 1,2,...
[⌘ Command] + [D] Split Window Vertically
[⇧ Shift] + [⌘ Command] + [D] Split Window Horizontally
[⌘ Command] + [↵ Enter] Toggle Fullscreen
[⇧ Shift] + [⌘ Command] + [↵ Enter] Maximize

Cursor and selection

Shortcut Description
[˄ Control] + [B] Move back one character
[˄ Control] + [F] Move forward one character
[˄ Control] + [D] Delete current character
[˄ Control] + [W] Delete previous word (in shell)
[˄ Control] + [A] Move to the start of line
[˄ Control] + [E] Move to the end of line