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Loop through a list using a for loop.

The format is :

for item_var in list:
    # block of code
animals = ['man', 'bear', 'pig']
for animal in animals:
    print(animal.upper()) # to UPPER list


The code block in a while loop executes as long as the condition evaluates to true.

The format is :

while condition:
    # block of code
animals = ['man', 'bear', 'pig']
while animals:
    print(animals) # while there is an item into the animal intex, print-it
animals = ['man', 'bear', 'pig', 'cow', 'duck', 'horse']
animal_index = 0 # defined var to loop the animals index

while animal_index < len(animals): # len = output the number of item.s
    animal_index += 1 # increment this variable by listing of the animals index