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Ansible Engine

List d'argument

  • -i : Spécifier le fichier d'inventaire
  • -C,--check : Vérifier action.s qui sera.ont réalisée.s
  • -m : Spécifier le module que l'on souhaite invoquer
  • -k : Demander le mot de passe user
  • -K : Demander le mot de passe root
  • -b,--become : Éxécuter en tant que su (*admin)



file : ansible.cgf

host_key_checking = False
inventory = pve.inventory


file : inventory

ansible ansible_hosts=

ansible_user = John Doe
ansible_password = jdoe




WinRM is a management protocol used by Windows to remotely communicate with another server. It is a SOAP-based protocol that communicates over HTTP/HTTPS, and is included in all recent Windows operating systems. Since Windows Server 2012, WinRM has been enabled by default, but in most cases extra configuration is required to use WinRM with Ansible.

Authentification Options
Option Local Accounts Active Directory Accounts Credential Delegation HTTP Encryption
Basic Yes No No No
Certificate Yes No No No
Kerberos No Ye Ye Yes
NTLM Yes Ye No Yes
CredSSP Yes Ye Ye Yes

Basic authentication is one of the simplest authentication options to use, but is also the most insecure.

ansible_user: Username
ansible_password: Password
ansible_connection: winrm
ansible_winrm_transport: basic

CredSSP authentication is a newer authentication protocol that allows credential delegation. This is achieved by encrypting the username and password after authentication has succeeded and sending that to the server using the CredSSP protocol.

To use CredSSP authentication, the host vars are configured like :

ansible_user: Username
ansible_password: Password
ansible_connection: winrm
ansible_winrm_transport: credssp

There are some extra host variables that can be set as shown below

ansible_winrm_credssp_disable_tlsv1_2: when true, will not use TLS 1.2 in the CredSSP auth process

CredSSP authentication is not enabled by default on a Windows host, but can be enabled by running the following in PowerShell

Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role Server -Force
Installing CredSSP Library

The requests-credssp wrapper can be installed using pip:

pip install pywinrm[credssp]
TLS 1.2

By default the requests-credssp library is configured to authenticate over the TLS 1.2 protocol. TLS 1.2 is installed and enabled by default for Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8 and more recent releases.


CredSSP works by encrypting the credentials through the TLS protocol and uses a self-signed certificate by default. The CertificateThumbprint option under the WinRM service configuration can be used to specify the thumbprint of another certificate.

# Note the value $certificate_thumbprint will be different in each
# situation, this needs to be set based on the cert that is used.
$certificate_thumbprint = "7C8DCBD5427AFEE6560F4AF524E325915F51172C"

# Set the thumbprint value
Set-Item -Path WSMan:\localhost\Service\CertificateThumbprint -Value $certificate_thumbprint
