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Here are somes git tips & tricks

Using Git

The following commands can be helpful for working with git.

git command Comment
git init Initialize a directory as git managed repository
git clone <repo_url> Clone a remote repository to your local client
git status Shows uncommited changes, new files etc.
git add <wildcard_or_filename> Stage an updated / new file to the next commit
git rm <wildcard_or_filename> Remove a file and stage the removal for the next commit
git commit -m "<commit message"> Commit staged changes under a new commit
git commit Will open an editor to write more descriptive commit messages.
See here for a guide on good commit messages
git checkout <branch_name> Switch to another branch
git branch Shows a list of existing branches
git branch <branch_name> Creates a new branch (from the currently checked out branch)
git merge <branch_name> Merge changes from branch_name to the currently checked out branch
git push Push commited changes to the remote repository
git pull Pull current state from the remote repository to your local repo

Working with git-flow

Git-flow assists you by combining multiple steps of git commands to one git-flow command which will do a workflow of steps. Although git-flow makes live easier in some cases, it makes it also more complex sometimes and you need to execute some steps before or after using a git-flow command as regular git command. (See below)

As an example, here is the comparison between the regular git commands and the appropriate git-flow command for creating a release.

git-flow command git command
git-flow feature start <feature_name> git checkout -b feature/<feature_name> develop
git-flow feature finish <feature_name> [--squash] git checkout develop
git merge [--squash] --no-ff feature/<feature_name>
git branch -d feature/<feature_name>

Another git-flow cheat sheet can be found here.



Ajout le nom d'utilisateur au profil

git config --global "sboistel"


Ajout le mail du profil

git config --global ""


Garder en mémoire les données de connexion au repo :

git config credential.helper store


Lister les Branches

git branche


Vérifier quel est la branche sur laquelle nous sommes:

git checkout

Changer de branche :

git checkout nom_branche



Push vers vers une autre branche que Master :

git push -u origin nom_branche


Se positionner sur la branche master (principale..), et ensuite

git merge nom_branche

Ne pas omettre de push ensuite ;)

git push


Le stash permet de garder les modifications faites en local sans les propager. On pourra vérifier ce qu'il est possible de save :

git stash list

Clear la liste stash

git stash clear

Commiter un stash

git stash pop

Rebase branch

Go to main/master branch

git checkout main

Pull changes

git pull

Go back to your branch

git checkout yourbranchname

Let rebase it

Git rebase main

Then open your file and solve the conflict.

Finaly, continue the rebase

git rebase --continue


git push --force