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Wiki JS

Getting started with a Wiki.js installation on Linux

Before going any further, make sure your system meets all the requirements.

Looking for a complete, easy step-by-step installation guide, including all dependencies and an auto-updater? Check out the Ubuntu-based installation guide. {.is-info}


  1. Download the latest version of Wiki.js
  1. Extract the package to the final destination of your choice
mkdir wiki
tar xzf wiki-js.tar.gz -C ./wiki
cd ./wiki
  1. Rename the sample config file to config.yml
mv config.sample.yml config.yml
  1. Edit the config file and fill in your database and port settings Configuration Reference
nano config.yml
  1. For SQLite installations only: (skip this step otherwise) Fetch native bindings for SQLite3
npm rebuild sqlite3
  1. Run Wiki.js
node server
  1. Wait until you are invited to open to the setup page in your browser.

  2. Complete the setup wizard to finish the installation.

Run as service

There are several solutions to run Wiki.js as a background service. We'll focus on systemd in this guide as it's available in nearly all linux distributions.

  1. Create a new file named wiki.service inside directory /etc/systemd/system.
nano /etc/systemd/system/wiki.service
  1. Paste the following contents (assuming your wiki is installed at /var/wiki):

ExecStart=/usr/bin/node server
# Consider creating a dedicated user for Wiki.js here:

  1. Save the service file (CTRL+X, followed by Y).

  2. Reload systemd:

systemctl daemon-reload
  1. Run the service:
systemctl start wiki
  1. Enable the service on system boot.
systemctl enable wiki

Note: You can see the logs of the service using journalctl -u wiki
